Lesson 6 - Co-Presence and Redirection

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In this lesson, you will learn how pick up and put away a toy in co-presence.  You will also learn how to provide redirection and positive/affirmative feedback while playing together.

0:01 - Co-presence and redirection.
0:06 Let's play with the toy car.
0:08 First we need to get it.
0:12 As I reach for the object
0:14 I keep my hand under the child's hand so that we are reaching together.
0:18: This way the child knows where I'm getting the object from.
0:21 The first object we touch is not what we are looking for.
0:25 The next object is.
0:27 As I get the object I make it available for the child to feel it too and keep it in touch with both of us.
0:33 I present it to the child and put it on their lap so that they can feel it while I keep my hands on theirs to observe and encourage them.
0:44 I offer plenty of affirmative feedback while staying connected feeling what they're feeling.
0:49 So we shared the experience, when they are done
0:52 I give more positive feedback and response.
0:59 I don't pull my hands away and observe visually without touching them.
1:11 If I did that the child would have no idea what I was doing and I wouldn't be part of their activity.
1:16 Always stay in touch as you explore and play with the objects together.
1:20 Don't just sit back and watch.
1:22 In co-presence we feel what the other is feeling and can then converge on objects and parts of objects in joint attention.
1:30 Then when we are ready, our hands are still connected and we can reach together for another object.
1:36 Remember, don't pull or force the child's hand to reach for an object.
1:41 Don't initiate movement when your hand is on top of your childs.
1:45 Being grabbed and pulled is unpleasant.
1:47 Instead initiate movement from underneath with your child's hand on top.
1:54 The child should not reach for the toy with the hand that is not connected to your hand.
1:58 Reaching for an object with the hand that is uncoupled will cause us to miss out on each other's actions.
2:04 Instead encourage your child to reach for objects with the hand that is connected to yours.
2:08 So you both feel what's happening just like that with encouragement and the same goes for you.
2:15 Don't move the toy with your hand that is not connected with your child.
2:19 Moving an object with the hand that is not connected to your child is a mistake
because then they will miss your action.
2:25 Reach for the toys and put them back together as a team.
2:29 By doing that, I share information with the child about what's happening in our shared environment.
2:33 Showing the child where you put it afterwards is no substitute for us putting the object away
and feeling where it went together.
2:43 Let's try that one more time.
2:44 Let's put the toy back together.
2:51 There we go.
2:52 Great job.
2:55 When searching for a specific toy, touch each item together to decide if it's right one.
3:02 By touching the toy together we affirm that it's the one that we want.
3:06 Oops that's not the car.
3:09 Nope we're not looking for that one.
3:15 Now demonstrate what to do if the child is playing with an object in the wrong way.
3:19 Watch for the negative and affirmative backchanneling which means no and yes.
3:26 Let's practice.
3:28 Notice how we're seated together in co-presence with our legs touching and me giving the child backchanneling letting them know I'm paying attention.
3:37 As the car goes up my arm and moves toward my face and neck.
3:42 When that happens I grasp the child's hand and the toy firmly while I tell them no with the other hand.
3:48 If the child is too rough or the toy touches the throat or face, stop play and redirect.
3:58 Then I repeat the action reciprocally more gently on their body again telling them no.
4:06 I model a right way to play and give positive reinforcement.
4:14 I follow by showing them a more appropriate way to play with the toy accompanied by affirmative feedback.
4:20 Again as the car nears their throat,
4:22 I remind them of the specific action that was not acceptable.
4:25 I touch the car to their throat and then referencing that location further as I touch their throat with my hand while saying no.
4:33 After this, I immediately re-direct.
4:36 I stay in touch with them and continue to participate in their play giving positive feedback when they change their behavior.
4:42 Give praise when the child engages in play the right way.
4:46 Great. Now let's put the toy away together.
4:50 When playtime is over, always put the toy away together as a team.

Up next

Series episodes

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Co - Presence
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Co - Presence
Lesson 2 - Co-Presence With Your Child
Lesson 2 - Co-Presence With Your Child
Lesson 3 - Learning to Play Together: A Toy Shark
Lesson 3 - Learning to Play Together: A Toy Shark
Lesson 4 - Getting Water Together
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Lesson 6 - Co-Presence and Redirection
Lesson 6 - Co-Presence and Redirection